Ava Zack

MTCM, L.Ac., Dipl. O.M.

Ava has been practicing acupuncture and Eastern Medicine since 2009.  She is passionate about orthopedics and sports injury, electroacupuncture and peripheral neuropathy. Ava is well-versed in many types of orthopedic treatment.  

Some highlights from her experience include-

  • Myopain Seminars- Certified Myofascial Trigger Point Therapist
  • Zhejiang University- Medical Externship in Hangzhou, China
  • Gaeta Institute- Certifications in Cardiovascular and Endocrine Health
  • AOM Professional- CEUs in Acupuncture Orthopedics
  • NeuroLab Foundations- CEUs in Neuropuncture

Ava graduated with her Masters Degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine from Five Branches University, and is currently enrolled in their Doctoral program.  Ava has been fortunate to study under many experts in the field of Eastern Medicine, including some during her externship in Hangzhou, China in 2012.

Ava spent a large part of her childhood in Eastern Europe.  This allowed her the opportunity to travel throughout her life, and instilled in her a love of culture and food. She enjoys taking culinary travels around the world and meeting people from different cultures.

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