
acupuncture for weight loss

Acupuncture and Weight Loss

In this article, Dr. Oz gives his stamp of approval for acupuncture as an effective therapy for weight loss. Daniele and Lishanna, at Solis,  are both highly-trained and experienced in weight-loss-oriented acupuncture!  And- our weight loss protocols are easy to administer in the community acupuncture setting.  This means- weight loss acupuncture can be both an…
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acupressure points for common cold

Acupuncture Points for Common Cold and Flu

With the points in this article,  you can do acupressure on yourself and family members at the first sign of cold or flu. Don’t forget- acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Formulas are really effective at preventing colds and flu from worsening. If you start to feel a sore throat coming on, or experience sudden fatigue, chills,…
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