
Guasha therapy spoon friction massage

Gua Sha Therapy – Spoon Friction Massage Explained

Guasha/ Spoon/ Friction Massage A traditional technique is used to improve local blood circulation, tissue, joint mobilization, and range of motion. It also helps in breaking up tight fibrotic myofascial bands and scar tissue, facilitating tissue repair, and reducing pain.
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Acupuncture for relaxation

An Often Overlooked Benefit of Acupuncture- Relaxation!

I recently had a patient share with me that, when she tells friends how relaxing her pain clinic treatments are, they often respond with exclamations of surprise.  As a person with a 15-year relationship with medicine, I have forgotten my first impressions of “going for acupuncture”.  This discussion was a good reminder, as it brought…
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Acupuncture for weight loss

Acupuncture and Weight Loss

In this article, Dr. Oz gives his stamp of approval for acupuncture as an effective therapy for weight loss. Daniele and Lishanna, at Solis,  are both highly-trained and experienced in weight-loss-oriented acupuncture!  And- our weight loss protocols are easy to administer in the community acupuncture setting.  This means- weight loss acupuncture can be both an…
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Trigger point needling therapy

Trigger Point Needling Therapy

Trigger Point Needling Therapy for Neck and Shoulder Tension Trigger point needling therapy is a style of acupuncture that is also sometimes referred to as dry needling. Dry needling focuses more on neuro-anatomical needling techniques and placement rather than traditional acupuncture point locations. The term “trigger point” is used to describe an area of a…
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Acupressure points for common cold

Acupuncture Points for Common Cold and Flu

With the points in this article,  you can do acupressure on yourself and family members at the first sign of cold or flu. Don’t forget- acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Formulas are really effective at preventing colds and flu from worsening. If you start to feel a sore throat coming on, or experience sudden fatigue, chills,…
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